
Word List - Birthday Party - Lesson 14

  1. 一定: yídìng certain(ly), definite(ly)
  2. 以后: yǐhòu afterwords, later, in the future
  3. 做饭: zuò fàn cook
  4. : xiàng resemble, to be like, look like
  5. 前年: qiánnián the year before last
  6. 可爱: kě'ài lovely, cute
  7. : ne indicates a continued state or action
  8. : zuǐ mouth
  9. 女朋友: nǚpéngyou girlfriend
  10. 将来: jiānglái in the future
  11. : shǔ to belong to
  12. 应该: yīng​gāi​ should
  13. : tán to play (a stringed musical instrument with fingers)
  14. 手指: shǒuzhǐ finger
  15. : jiē to receive, to go meet, to welcome
  16. 暑期学校: shûqī xuéxiào summer school
  17. 果汁: guǒzhī fruit juice
  18. 水果: shuǐguǒ fruit
  19. 汽水(儿): qìshuǐ soft drink, soda pop
  20. : gǒu dog
  21. : bān class
  22. 用功: yònggōng hard-working, diligent, studious
  23. 礼物: lǐwù gift, present
  24. 聪明: cōngming smart, bright, clever
  25. : liǎn face
  1. : tuǐ leg
  2. 舞会: wǔhuì dance party ball
  3. 表姐: biǎojiě older female cousin
  4. 说到: shuōdào to talk about/to mention
  5. 走路: zǒulù to walk
  6. 过生日: guò shēngrì to celebrate a birthday
  7. 钢琴: gāngqín piano
  8. : cháng long
  9. 长得: zhǎngde to look, to grow to be
  10. 鼻子: bízi nose

破镜重圆 A Broken Mirror Made Whole (Lovers Reunite)

The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...