UPDATE: I've been taking Chinese again for about a year now and I visited China last summer. It's been great catching up on the Chinese I used to know and also, finally learning how to read in Chinese. It's a challenge, but it's great fun, also.
Quizlet is my new favorite tool. I type in a whole story in Chinese sentence by sentence. After each sentence, I pick out the words that are difficult or might need more isolated study. Then, I click on the audio and run through the cards in order showing only the Chinese. If I don't understand something, I can repeat the card or flip it over to get more information about the English meaning. So far, it works great! The audio on Quizlet is good (though not perfect - for example, they pronounce 长 wrong in one of the stories I've posted).
If anyone lives in the Greater Seattle area (better yet, Olympia) and you're interested in joining a class where we read and study these stories, please comment. The teacher is great - we meet once a week for an hour and a half.
Also, if you're interested in teaching Chinese, are a Chinese/English translator, or are studying Chinese, let me know as well. I'm interested in forming an online group.
海萍 Haiping (Ms.W)
I started learning Chinese many years ago when I taught English in Taiwan. I learned to speak and understand Mandarin Chinese, but my reading and writing was very limited. I started learning traditional characters first and then later I learned a few simplified characters. My reading and writing has never been great, but I'm trying!
I'm back in school again now and taking a beginning Chinese class so I can get a good grounding in the characters and remember the Chinese I learned way back when in Taiwan. I've only recently learned how to type in Chinese and that has been great. It really helps me learn the characters, but I'm VERY SLOW! I will eventually write this "about" section in Chinese, but don't count on it being soon because I'm a bit of a procrastinator.
By the way, this blog is to help me learn characters in whatever way I can. I'm not promising any kind of formatting or consistency with it, but if it helps you as well, then great!
I've just figured out how to use Twitter (yeah, I know, I'm a bit slow) so I'll attach my Chinese-practicing Twitter account to this blog. If you want to practice Tweeting in Chinese, say hi to me there. OR, if you are Chinese and you want to correct or clarify what I've posted or written in Chinese, feel free to comment. I'm all ears. (That means I'd love to hear - or read - what you have to say.)
On TWITTER I am "weihaiping."
This is a website for collecting Chinese words to study and practice.
破镜重圆 A Broken Mirror Made Whole (Lovers Reunite)
The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...
女娲造人以后,人类在天地间幸福地生活着。 有一年,天忽然塌了一个角,地也在中间裂开了很宽的一条缝。山上到处都是熊熊大火,山下是滔滔洪水。 人类没有办法,成千上万的人死了。 天上的神仙都怕危险, 没有人肯管这件事。 女娲知道了很着急,她说:“我要去帮助人类, 因为他们是我的孩子...