Translation Tools

These are my current tools for translation from Chinese to English.

If I'm unfamiliar with some of the Chinese characters, here's what I do:

1. Use Google Translate first, to get a feel for the text.
2. Use a Chinese annotation tool for further help.
3. If needed, find sample sentences for key words using Bing or Jukuu. This helps me figure out how the words have been translated before and in what context.

For practice and study, I use Tatoeba.



破镜重圆 A Broken Mirror Made Whole (Lovers Reunite)

The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...