
感: feel, perceive, emotion

I used the MDGB dictionary search for words with the character "感". MDGB is very useful and has been recently changed. It's really easy to use. I can see that I'll be spending more time using it to search for connections and ways to remember the characters I'm learning.

They do have a link for sample sentences (which come from Jukuu.com). It's good to see how the character is used, but the translations are not always great. Still, it's a good tool. NCIKU also has sample sentences.



破镜重圆 A Broken Mirror Made Whole (Lovers Reunite)

The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...