Sample Sentences
I 把 the books that you wanted找到了。
I found the books that you wanted.
You 把 this character 写错了。
You wrote this character incorrectly.
把 this cup of coffee 喝了。
Finish up this cup of coffee.
This is a website for collecting Chinese words to study and practice.
The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...
Hoho, Very good article! I am Chinese man, if anyone needs me help about Chinese, welcome you. email zhang024#gmail.com
回复删除谢谢! 请告诉我写错的地方。