This is a website for collecting Chinese words to study and practice.
感: feel, perceive, emotion
I used the MDGB dictionary search for words with the character "感". MDGB is very useful and has been recently changed. It's really easy to use. I can see that I'll be spending more time using it to search for connections and ways to remember the characters I'm learning.
They do have a link for sample sentences (which come from It's good to see how the character is used, but the translations are not always great. Still, it's a good tool. NCIKU also has sample sentences.
They do have a link for sample sentences (which come from It's good to see how the character is used, but the translations are not always great. Still, it's a good tool. NCIKU also has sample sentences.
Dining Out - Chapter 12
饭馆 fànguǎn restaurant
好像 hǎoxiàng to seem; to be like
位子 wèizi seat
服务员 fúwùyuán waiter; attendant
点菜 diǎn cài to order food
盘 pán plate; dish
桌子 zhuōzi table
素 sù vegetarian; made from vegetables
饺子 jiǎo zi dumpling (with vegetables and/or meat filling)
家常 jiā cháng home-style
豆腐 dòufu tofu; bean curd
肉 ròu meat
碗 wǎn bowl
酸辣汤 suānlàtāng hot and sour soup
味精 wèijīng monosodium glutamate (MSG)
盐 yán salt
白菜 bái cài bok choy
刚 gāng just
卖完 màiwán to be sold out
青菜 qīng cài green/leafy vegetables
冰茶 bīng chá iced tea
渴 kě thirsty
些 xiē (measure word for an indefinite quantity); some
上菜 shàngcài to serve food
师傅 shīfu master worker
好吃 hǎo chī delicious
糖醋鱼 tángcùyú fish in sweet and sour sauce
甜 tián sweet
酸 suān sour
极 jí extremely
红烧 hóngshāo to braise in soy sauce
牛肉 niúròu beef
鱼 yú fish
凉拌 liángbàn (of food) cold "blended"; cold tossed
黄瓜 huánggua cucumber
米饭 mǐfàn cooked rice
忘 wàng to forget
带 dài to bring; to take;
to carry; to come with
to carry; to come with
饭卡 fànkǎ meal card
错 cuò wrong
清楚 qīngchu clear
没关系 méi guānxi it doesn't matter
上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai
放 fang to put; to place
够 gòu enough
饿 è hungry
打针:to give or have an injection
把:to hold / to contain / to grasp / to take hold of / a handle / particle marking the following noun as a direct object / classifier for objects with handle
Sample Sentences
I 把 the books that you wanted找到了。
I found the books that you wanted.
You 把 this character 写错了。
You wrote this character incorrectly.
把 this cup of coffee 喝了。
Finish up this cup of coffee.
发烧:to have a high temperature (from illness) / to have a fever
Example Sentences
博文 (Atom)
破镜重圆 A Broken Mirror Made Whole (Lovers Reunite)
The above video is the same story but the following text does not match the video: 从前南京城里有一个人, 姓徐, 刚刚结婚, 夫妻俩非常恩爱,幸福。 可是,那个时候马上要打仗了, 大家都逃...

女娲造人以后,人类在天地间幸福地生活着。 有一年,天忽然塌了一个角,地也在中间裂开了很宽的一条缝。山上到处都是熊熊大火,山下是滔滔洪水。 人类没有办法,成千上万的人死了。 天上的神仙都怕危险, 没有人肯管这件事。 女娲知道了很着急,她说:“我要去帮助人类, 因为他们是我的孩子...